Every Day a Good Day

Every Day a Good Day

Fifteen lessons I learned about happiness from Japanese tea culture

Morishita Noriko
Translated by Eleanor Goldsmith

Japan Library series
Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture


¥2,900 + tax

ISBN 9784866580623
210 mm x 148 mm / 192 pp. / March 2019

¥2,100 + tax

ISBN 9784866581828
210 mm x 148 mm / 192 pp. / December 2020

I could not walk correctly.
I did not know where to sit.
I did not know which hand to use, what to pick up,
how to pick it up. Nothing had stuck with me,
even though I had done it all just an hour before.

You have to start from zero . . .

Reporter and essayist Morishita Noriko reflects on twenty-five years of studying the Japanese Way of Tea, from her first uncertain steps as a college student to her gradual discovery of freedom within the very rules that once seemed to hold her back. As Morishita experiences the trials and triumphs of adult life, from job-hunting setbacks to lost love, from the struggle to build a career to the pain of losing a loved one, Tea is always there to remind her that simply being present in the moment is enough. The joy of savoring the seasons with all five senses—of smelling the rain, of hearing each individual raindrop. The importance of cherishing each meeting as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Humor and heartbreak, despair and determination—in this memoir, Morishita vividly connects the Way of Tea to the full span of human experience, culminating in the exhilaration of realizing “I’m alive, right now!”


Morishita Noriko was born in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture in 1956. She graduated from the Department of Japanese Literature at the Faculty of Humanities, Japan Women’s University. While still an undergraduate, she began working as a reporter, gathering stories for Shukan Asahi magazine’s popular Dekigotology column. Since publishing her experiences researching the column in the 1987 book Nori-yakko Dosue, she has enjoyed a flourishing career as an essayist and reporter. Morishita’s books include Nori-yakko perushawan o yuku, Zense e no boken: runesansu no tensai chokokuka o otte, and Itoshii tabemono.

*information as of time of publication

Japan Library series

Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture

¥2,900 + tax
ISBN 9784866580623
210 mm x 148 mm / 192 pp. / March 2019

¥2,100 + tax
ISBN 9784866581828
210 mm x 148 mm / 192 pp. / December 2020

ISBN 9784866581071 (ePub)
ISBN 9784866580913 (PDF)

Preface to the English Edition
Introduction: Chajin: A Person of Tea
1. Learn That You Know Nothing / 2. Don’t Think with Your Head / 3. Focus Your Feelings on the Now / 4. Watch and Feel / 5. Look at Many Real Things / 6. Savor the Seasons / 7. Connect to Nature with All Five Senses / 8. Be Here, Now / 9. Give It Time and Let Nature Do the Rest / 10. Things Are Fine as They Are / 11. Parting Is Inevitable / 12. Listen for the Voice Within / 13. When It’s Raining, Listen to the Rain / 14. Growth Takes Time / 15. Live in the Moment with an Eye to the Future
Postscript to the Japanese Paperback Edition
Tea Terms
About the Author and the Translator

"Some sections made me tear up, and others made me laugh out loud. Noriko’s writing is honest and vulnerable, like having a conversation with a close friend. I really appreciated that she did not sugarcoat her experiences. Studying anything for that many years is not easy, and the struggles she described were very relatable. I definitely feel like I deepened my understanding of the Japanese tea ceremony by following her journey."

Nicole Wilson
Tea for Me Please




Original Japanese Edition


森下典子 著

新潮社 刊


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