Traditional Cuisine of the Ryukyu Islands

Traditional Cuisine of the Ryukyu Islands

A History of Health and Healing

Takagi Rin
Translated by Deborah Iwabuchi and Enda Kazuko

Japan Library series
Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture


¥3,000 + tax

ISBN 9784866581316
210 mm x 148 mm / 144 pp. / March 2020

ISBN 9784866581521 (ePub)
ISBN 9784866581637 (PDF)

In recent decades, Okinawan cuisine has earned a place in the Japanese food scene due to its healthy diet. The recipes are the results of wisdom passed down through generations on the southern islands. Little is known, however, that their roots can be traced back to a nineteenth century guidebook on diet therapy which was written by a renowned doctor.

Tokashiki Pechin Tsukan was the chief physician to the king of the Ryukyu Kingdom, as the islands were known for five centuries before they became Okinawa. Tsukan penned Gozen honzo in 1832, which can be directly translated as “medicinal foods placed on a tray and served to the king.” From grains and vegetables to meat and fish, he took up 300 traditional Ryukyu foodstuffs, explaining their medicinal effects, the preparations required, and their effective combinations.

This modern version of the Gozen honzo unveils the knowledge it contains, covering 60 ingredients and 70 recipes from the text to reproduce the various delicacies. The exceptional pictures radiate the richness of the dishes, and the additional commentary on culture provides deep insight into how people lived on the islands. This reading experience will lead you to understand that the Okinawan saying “food is kusuimun (medicine)” is truly so.

Takagi Rin was born in downtown Tokyo in 1947. She is an acclaimed screenwriter for television and radio dramas, and her works have received many prizes, among them the Grand Prix for the prestigious Galaxy Award.

Her strong connection with Okinawa began when she was recuperating from a severe illness. On visiting the islands and mingling with the locals, she became deeply attracted to its people, culture, and especially the food. This soon developed into a passion that led to a new dimension in her life—she opened a traditional Okinawan restaurant in Akasaka, Tokyo in 1998. Her interest did not cease there, for she went on to write about the various aspects of Okinawa. The biography of a legendary figure, Okinawa dokuritsu o yume mita densetsu no joketsu Teruya Toshiko (Teruya Toshiko, the brave woman who dreamed of an independent Okinawa), won the fourteenth Shogakukan Nonfiction Grand Prize.

*information as of time of publication

Japan Library series

Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture

¥3,000 + tax
ISBN 9784866581316
210 mm x 148 mm / 144 pp. / March 2020

ISBN 9784866581521 (ePub)
ISBN 9784866581637 (PDF)

Preface to the English Edition: The Happiness and Sorrow of Okinawa
Foreword: Notes on Gozen honzō
Part I: The People and History behind Ryukyu Cuisine
Meal served to the Chinese investiture envoy at the accession of Shō Tai, the last Ryukyu king / The Ryukyu king Shō Kō, instigator of Gozen honzō / The Ryukyu cuisine of Ryukyu aristocrat Baron Shō Jun
Part II: Foodstuffs Used in Ryukyu Cuisine
Grains / Five Grains and Fermented Foods / Vegetables / Gourds / Seaweed / Moss / Livestock / Fish / Cooked Foods / Seafood / Fruits
About the author
About the translators


高木 凛
1947年生まれ。東京都出身。脚本家、作家。主なテレビドラマ作品に、TBS東芝日曜劇場「息子よ」、TBS「父系の指」(松本清張原作、ギャラクシー大賞、芸術祭優秀賞)、NHK「黄色い髪」(干刈あがた原作)、テレビ東京「夫婦善哉」(織田作之助原作、芸術祭優秀賞)など。1998年、東京・赤坂に沖縄懐石料理店「赤坂潭亭」を開き、主人として現在に至る。2007年『沖縄独立を夢見た伝説の女傑 照屋敏子』で第14回小学館ノンフィクション大賞受賞。


Original Japanese Edition



高木 凛 著

新潮社 刊

